Case Studies

In this section you will find our library of Winslow “War Stories” (updated periodically). Please select an option below to move to your desired section of content.

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Animated “War Stories”

The Denver Executive

Eric Samuelson debriefed the profile of a senior manager in the Denver, Colorado state government. Eric learned in advance that this gentleman seriously objected to his Composure score.  When they met, the man’s first comment was, “Nobody that knows me would believe that I’m a one in Composure. I’m not as temperamental as this score would indicate.”  But Winslow Consultants are taught to look deeper…

The Wild Child

One of our consultants received a phone call from a general sales manager at an auto dealership in Maryland. The manager was surprised that one of his top salesman had scored poorly on the Winslow Profile. After a few minutes of conversation, it was discovered that the salesman’s personal life was ‘externally motivating’ his professional success, and our consultant predicted he was headed for disaster…

Everything is a 5-alarm Fire

Eric Samuelson was contacted by the CFO of a company who said, “One of our managers is normally wonderful to work with, but whenever I point out a difficult issue to her it immediately becomes a ‘5-alarm fire’.”

The Senior Pastor in Annapolis

Eric Samuelson conducted a profile review with the founding pastor of a large church, and the outcome of their conversation was anything but ordinary…

The Master of the Universe

Ronnie the Roommate

Attila the Hun

The Riverboat Gambler

William Winslow Legacy War Stories

The 5-Foot Trophy

Suppressed Aggression

Our Invalidity Policy

Trusting the Profile vs. the Evidence

The Medal of Honor Winner

Audio War Stories